Grandeur! is a piece I wrote for a final project in an orchestration class. The prompt was to write a festive piece for the opening of a new outdoor music venue. The piece features a bed of pulsing strings to build excitement, powerful brass to feel heroic, and multiple percussion instruments to build texture. The piece was greatly inspired by Hans Zimmer’s score from the movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.


On the right, you’ll find music cues for a final project in my composition class, which was to compose original music for an unrealized play, The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh. The play is extremely dark and discusses violence against children, so I explored somber modes and dark timbral creations by mixing instruments in unconventional ways. The result is a sad, ominous sounding score that keeps some childlike presence with slightly playful motifs.


This is an arrangement of Wayfaring Stranger which I made for my orchestration class using a lead sheet. I used four common methods of orchestration: chordal accompaniment, rhythmic-chordal accompaniment, octave-doubling, and counter melodies. This is a mock-up I made using Spitfire Solo Strings.


I did another arrangement for my orchestration class, this time being a string quartet for Autumn Leaves. The techniques and textures that were used were chordal melodic accompaniment, octave doubling, pizzicato, multiple stops, and con sordino.


My cue, Ship to New York from Lorca in a Green Dress, originally started as this arrangement of strings, classical guitar, and piano. The final arrangement ended up being two classical guitars to create more subtle underscoring.